Fourrure recyclée en beauté.
Fabriqué au Québec.
Ma famille oeuvre dans l’habillage de fenêtres et la confection d’accessoires de décoration depuis 3 générations. Les notions de beauté, de créativité et d’esthétisme m’ont donc été inculquées très tôt dans la vie. Pour réaliser toutes ces jolies choses au fil des années, j’ai dû apprendre la couture…à 7 ans!
L’attirance pour la transformation de matières m’a orienté vers les fourrures et les cuirs oubliés à l’origine. Aujourd’hui, j’expérimente une option plus ‘industrielle’ en proposant des bijoux en béton.
For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.
For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.
For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.
For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during.
For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic; only during the 20th century was a large supply of new products, generally deemed not organic, introduced into food production. For the vast majority of its history, agriculture can be described as having been organic.